Social groups
Discover our offer for social groups.
Throughout the year, the Centre des monuments nationaux develops its activities for social groups, notably through its involvement in the "Vivre Ensemble" mission, a partnership with the Cultures du Cœur association, and annual participation in the national event Les Portes du Temps, which in 2017 became C'est mon Patrimoine!
Alongside these initiatives, the Centre des Monuments Nationaux enters into partnerships with other national organizations, with a wide range of profiles, to help people in social difficulty.
Visit offer
The Centre's activities in the social field are developed throughout the year, and are based on a number of mechanisms:
- contribution to the "Vivre Ensemble" (Living Together) mission of the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, alongside some thirty other establishments;
- participation, since 2006, in "Les Portes du temps", the Ministry's flagship event aimed at young audiences from the social sphere, and in particular from priority urban policy districts and rural revitalization zones;
- national and local partnerships with major social organizations (Cultures du coeur, Secours populaire, Armée du salut, Action Enfance and the Comité national de liaison des régies de quartier).
On a day-to-day basis, the public services of the monuments offer tours and activities adapted to the needs of social groups, organize training courses for relays to help them accompany groups independently and, of course, are ready to welcome visitors from all horizons, offering various forms of mediation to help them make the most of their visit (guided tours, lecture tours, workshops, tour documents, audioguides, etc.).
Heritage workshops enable visitors to discover a technique, period or style related to a monument, through artistic practice, drawing, models and other forms of creation.
The workshop is led by a qualified facilitator chosen by the Centre des monuments nationaux, or a specialist in the subject in question (arts and crafts, etc.), and lasts 2h30.
To organize the best possible heritage workshop for your group, please contact the monument, which will work with you to define the most appropriate form for the workshop, according to your expectations and your audience.
As a structure that supports people in social difficulty, CMN offers you a rate of 45 euros per workshop, for a group of up to 20 people, excluding accompanying adults. Admission to the monument and tour are included in this price.